
Corporate sponsorship is an incredible way to support Wooden Spoon’s Vets Fest 2022 and help change the state of play in children and young people’s mental health.

You can sponsor the event or one of your local men’s or women’s teams.

Benefits to your business

Get involved in your community

  • Support a national charity with a strong local footprint – we aim to spend every penny we raise locally on local projects in your community
  • You will be helping make a positive difference to children and young people’s mental health
  • Build deeper networks with your audience by providing direct support to the communities in which your company operates.

Enhance your brand

  • Build rapport with your target audience
  • Reach men and women, aged 35-55, involved in rugby
  • Build your reputation as a socially responsible company
  • Generate positive PR opportunities at a local and national level
  • Be associated with the leading children’s charity of rugby

We have a range of sponsorship opportunities for both the national event and your local teams, ranging from sponsorship of match balls, kits, rugby posts, celebration event and trophies.

To find out more email rugby@woodenspoon.org.uk