Fundraising Promise

Our fundraising promise

We know that when you make a donation, you want to know your money is being used to best effect. We agree, which is why we are members of the Fundraising Standards Board’s self-regulatory scheme and comply with the Institute of Fundraising’s Codes of Fundraising Practice.

Both groups ensure organisations such as ours collect money for charity honestly and we are committed to meeting their high standards. We also promise to always be open and clear; respectful; fair and reasonable; and accountable.

You can trust and have confidence in us to support disadvantaged and disabled children, and should you ever have any concerns about the way we raise funds, we welcome your feedback.

For more information about the FRSB and what our membership means, please visit

To find out more about the projects we support and how we raise our funds, click here.

Fundraising FAQs

How can I help Wooden Spoon?
You can do so in a range of ways; from raising funds, cheering on our challengers and volunteering with your local Wooden Spoon committee to simply raising awareness of our work in your community. You can find out more here.

I would like to raise money for Wooden Spoon, what support do you provide?
Lots! We have a variety of materials available to assist your fundraising drive and a dedicated team that will support you every step of the way. We can provide everything from collection buckets, balloons and branded T-shirts to promotional posters and Wooden Spoon wristbands. Most importantly, we are always ready to take your call or reply to your email should you need anything.

Can I use your logo to support my fundraising?
Yes – we just ask that you stick to our brand guidelines. For a high-resolution copy, email…

How do I pay in funds?
You can make a payment to Wooden Spoon online, over the phone or by post. Please make sure you include your name in the reference so we know who to thank for their support.

Click here to pay in funds quickly and securely.

Please make cheques payable to Wooden Spoon and send along with a paying-in form to: Wooden Spoon Supporter Relations
115-117 Fleet Road
Fleet, Hampshire
GU51 3PD

Bank Transfer
If you wish to transfer money electronically, you can do so using our bank details below. However, we ask that you email following any transfer so that we can confirm safe receipt.
Barclays Bank
Sort Code – 20-97-58
Account No – 43071308

By Phone
Please call us on 01252 773720 to make a payment over the phone.