
Solid support in Wales from the Concrete Society

Concrete Society Spring Lunch

Rod Woodward

In March 2022, Wooden Spoon Wales was again the nominated charity of the Concrete Society (Wales Region) as it returned to the Cardiff Marriott Hotel for its Spring Lunch.
Over 290 guests enjoyed a fantastic lunch, followed by an afternoon of entertainment from comedian Rod Woodward. TV presenter Sian Lloyd presided over the event, which included fundraising for Wooden Spoon which raised almost £5,000.

The Concrete Society are, without doubt, the major fundraiser for Wooden Spoon Wales, with the amount raised to date exceeding £150,000. It is also fair to say that they really know how to put the “fun” into fundraising.

If you are interested in attending the next Concrete Society Lunch, please contact Wooden Spoon Wales on