
Wooden Spoon Sets Out Its Three Year Plan

Wooden Spoon Sets Out Its Three Year Plan

Wooden Spoon, the children’s charity of rugby has today published its three year business strategy.

The strategy sets out three clear priorities:

  • To raise more funds and help more children and young people
  • To respond to the evolving need of our beneficiaries and evidence our impact
  • We will expand our position as a leading voice in rugby

Despite continued uncertainty in the economy as the world circumnavigates itself out of COVID-19, the plan outlines a strong commitment to funding life-changing projects for vulnerable children across the UK and Ireland, whilst keeping the charity financially stable and building for the future.

Wooden Spoon, CEO, Sarah Webb said: “It has been a challenging time for Wooden Spoon, like most charities.  In addition to the impact on the economy, Covid-19 has had a profound impact on society meaning that even more vulnerable children and young people needed our support.

“It fills me with enormous pride that Wooden Spoon has remained strong and has continued to deliver funding and support to life-changing projects supporting our beneficiaries across the UK and Ireland.   Thanks to our loyal supporters, we have been able to deliver over 200 life-changing projects over the last year, at a time of tremendous difficulty for so many people and organisations.

Camaraderie is at our core and never have we seen this be more evident than during these tough times with the amazing support of the rugby family.  We are in a stable position and plan to come back even stronger than ever. Our three-year plan gives us focus and aims to unite the staff and volunteers in achieving our mission – To positively transform the lives of children and young people with disabilities or facing disadvantage through the power of the rugby network and connections.”

You can read the report here