Long-time Wooden Spoon Leicestershire supporter passes away
It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of long-standing committee member for Wooden Spoon Leicestershire, Bleddyn Jones aged 72.
Bleddyn had been on the Leicestershire and Rutland committee for nearly 20 years and was a familiar face at many of our events.
Bleddyn was a Leicester Tigers First team player ;long-standing commentator on Rugby for BBC Radio Leicester.
An amateur player, outside rugby he had a 40-year career in education as a teacher and headteacher. He volunteered at the Leicester Royal Infirmary for 15 years, and regularly contributed to other local charities.
As well as being an avid golfer himself, he coached and assisted blind golfers to play the sport they loved.
Wooden Spoon Leicestershire President, Peter Wheeler said of his friend Bleddyn:
“I met him on the first day that he and I joined the Tigers ,over 52 years ago and have always felt so proud to call him a friend.
330 first team games for the Tigers and not 1 missed tackle and not one inkling of an unkind word.
We have been so fortunate to have spent so much time with him. Somebody must have greater need of him.
Martin Johnson, the Mercury reporter ,once told me not long after he started reporting the Tigers matches when he did not know to much about rugby, that he once criticised Bleddyn for something in a match and suddenly found he had a massive mail box of abusive letters from Tigers’ fans telling him not to talk about Bleddyn like that. The volley of abuse also came from Jerry Day ,the Tigers Hon Sec, telling him to ‘smarten his act up’.
We all loved Bleddyn and always will. A very sad day.”
If you would like to make a donation in Bleddyn’s memory, please click here.