
Ex-rugby players saddle up to raise staggering sum

An idea that was initially touted as a bit of fun; a couple of days away cycling with a few beers, turned into a fantastic weekend with a great bunch of friends, memories were made and a phenomenal amount was raised for Wooden Spoon.

When the country was in lockdown and limited to one hour of exercise a day, a group of ex-rugby players from the Old Coventrians RFC, who call themselves “The Postmen” decided to get cycling and, not only that, set themselves a challenge to cycle coast to coast from Whitehaven to Sunderland. That’s 136 miles – no less!

‘The Postmen’

The logistics of the trip in itself was a challenge due to Covid-19 restrictions but that was not going to stop the Postmen, and they split their group of 13 into three support bubbles as to abide by the rule of 6.

All members of the Postmen were different levels of fitness and experience on a bike but the main goal was to have a fun weekend, cycle some miles and make some memories, whilst raising funds for Wooden Spoon.

The first day, there were torrential down pours and everyone was soaked to the skin. Cyclist, Hayden Sarjeant said “It was like being pelted with frozen peas”

Robin Callaway said “The ride was a massive challenge, we spent the first two days slowly reaching the summits of what seemed like never ending hills, followed by fast descents with hail lashing into our faces, either too hot or too cold.”

Luckily the weather improved for the rest of the journey but the trip was not without incident, with a couple of bike malfunctions and one of the Postmen ending up in a hedge after his brakes failed. Luckily there were no broken bones!

Coast to Coast challenge

Robin continued “The third day started with one long hill followed by 25 miles of a lovely shallow slope to the coast of Sunderland. Many gruelling hills were conquered on this cycle ride and every member of the team felt sore and tired by the end, but on a real high realising what they had achieved.”

Wooden Spoon Ambassador, Tamara Taylor was waiting to cheer fellow LMAX Exchange Everest Rugby Challenger, Robin and the rest of the Postmen in when they reached their final destination. Robin said

“During the ride we talked about Wooden Spoon, and as rugby players how attached we feel to the charity. The fact that it makes such a massive difference to children and young people with disabilities or facing disadvantage.

I am lucky enough to have seen the smiling faces of school children in central London, exploring their new playground as if it’s the best thing they had ever seen. I’ve played wheelchair rugby with young people, and heard first hand how being able to play and enjoy sport has changed their lives.”

LMAX Exchange Everest Rugby Challengers, Robin Callaway and Tamara Taylor

They did it!

A huge well done to the Postmen who went the extra mile and smashed their fundraising target, raising over £5,800 – incredible!

Wooden Spoon would like to thank the Postmen for their exceptional fundraising, and also to everyone who has donated. We really appreciate your support during what is an uncertain time for charities.

Start your own challenge to raise valuable funds for vulnerable children near you.

If you would like to make a donation to Wooden Spoon, please click here. Alternatively, you can become a member for just £5 per month.